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News (34)

Gold medal from the president of Serbia awarded to an association chaired by our colleague Vierka!

Did you know that there is an association that has been cultivating Slovak culture, traditions and promoting friendship for over one century? It is one of the oldest associations in the Serbian Vojvodina at the Slovak Cultural Centre of Pavol Jozef Šafárik from Nový Sad. This renowned association is chaired by our colleague Vierka. She and other members of the association are celebrating the prestigious award that they have been awarded by the Serbian president.

International Agriculture Fair

On May 15th, Serbian Agriculture Minister Branislav Nedimović opened 85th International Agriculture Fair in Novy Sad, in which also participated IMAO. Serbian International Agriculture Fair is one of the biggest and most important events in Central and South-Eastern Europe in the agricultural area.

What will IMAO do in Cuba?


IMAO na bosnianskom stupienku víťazov


Bilaterálne rokovania IMAO vs. Bosna


Čo nahradí LED technológiu?


IMAO na výstave REECO


Bývanie inak - bývanie ekologicky


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